Thursday, June 5, 2008


Arrived London y'day morning. Youth Hostel is fine - set in a gorgeous [park and in an old jacobean manor house. and its near where i used to live.

went for a big walk y'day arvo - through kensington gardens, queensway, hyde par, st james park, up whitehall to trafalgar square - and into the national gallery - which has Caillebotte's male nude of the bloke towelling himself after a bath. and Suerat's bathers at Asnieres and Velasquez's rokeby venus!!! going back today to view them properly - and then heading to Courtauld gallery and seeing Spamalot tonight. Also catching up with Ingrid for a drink! And Naomi should arrive tomorrow.

This bit is for Jeanie - Queesway is stillmostly the same - the kerwoffel shop is still there!!! lots of photos to show you1

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

i am very homesick for the UK at the moment. we are enjoying our season of mists, but no mellow fruitfulness, everything is so soggy its gone black and mouldy instead.
Besides, we just hit winter. cressy is celebrating with a bright pink coat. she's waiting for it to snow - apparently when it snows, santa comes. Just ask noddy.

I'd love to be skipping down Queensway right about now. Is NISA still there (and still selling those godawful jam donuts?) the flower seller on the corner? have you been to portobello road yet?